The Secret Threat to Pennsylvania’s Abortion Freedoms

Sister District knows there is a threat to abortion access in Pennsylvania waiting in the wings; there are plenty of far-right organizations that want to focus on state races to accomplish their anti-choice agenda. Ms. Magazine recently reported on an organization called Susan B. Anthony Pro Life America (SBA PLA) that has announced it will funnel $92 million into supporting state level candidates this year. The source of the money? Unclear. The states they’re focusing on? Every single state in Sister District’s 2024 political strategy, including Pennsylvania. Orgs like SBA PLA know just how important states are to abortion access, especially now that there is no longer a federal right to abortion. So far, every state that has had a referendum about abortion has kept the procedure safe and legal and orgs like SBA PLA desperately want to subvert that trend. SBA PLA and its shadowy allies know that if they can raise money to support the right candidates and lobby existing state representatives they can take life-saving medical care away from Pennsylvanians.

As Sister District fights to raise awareness and support for progressive candidates in Pennsylvania, we decided to take a look back through the state’s checkered history when it comes to reproductive rights.In the decade following Roe v. Wade was decided, Pennsylvania passed The Abortion Control Act in 1982, one of the strictest of its kind.The law required women seeking abortions to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion, and required informed consent of parents for minor children and husbands for married women. It was principally written by Rep. Stephen F. Freind who controversially once said it is "almost impossible" for a woman to become pregnant through rape, as it causes her to "secrete a certain secretion, which has a tendency to kill sperm.” Pennsylvania would double down on its burdensome anti-choice policies in 2007 when it was one of 23 states to have a detailed abortion-specific informed consent requirement.

As a swing state, Pennsylvania has since gone back and forth on its position towards abortion access. In 2013, the state passed a Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) law, a common tool used by anti-choice advocates to make abortions harder to access. These laws state that abortions must happen in a hospital setting as opposed to a private office or an abortion clinic. There were also attempts to pass a ban on early abortion within the state that thankfully failed.

Now Pennsylvania is at a crossroads: does it continue down the road of restricting liberties or does it create a safe and equitable future for pregnant people? Some changes have occurred since Sister District helped make the state legislature more blue in 2022. The Keystone State now has a Democratic Assembly that champions pro-choice policies and has worked with the governor to end funding to crisis pregnancy centers. These are organizations that claim to be staffed by medical professionals and try to dissuade their patients from ending pregnancies. Pennsylvania also has a legislature that is sufficiently blue enough to keep a proposed state constitutional amendment from being passed this year that would ban abortion. However, this strong support hangs by the narrowest of threads and Pennsylvania will need to have a blue trifecta in the house, senate, and in the governor’s mansion.

We in Sister District NYC can provide funds, phone calls, and door-knocks to help convince voters to protect choice. In order to beat these anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-freedom groups and their willing allies, we need to raise money for progressive candidates early. Now, before the main races have even begun, is the perfect time to donate to our State Bridges partners in Pennsylvania. State Bridges is a program we run at Sister District to support organizations on the ground in swing states that marshal progressive voters all year long, conduct surveys to see where the political winds are blowing, and identify candidates who can build a strong Democratic foundation in PA. If you’re in New York City on March 16th, join us for our in-person fundraiser. Hear from PA progressive leaders, meet fellow Sister District NYC volunteers, and get ramped up for the battle ahead. Help create a vibrant future for Pennsylvania today.

Cecilia Zeichner